SECTION 1. State treasurer; supervision of department; salary; other sources of income
SECTION 2. Treasurer's bond; contents
SECTION 3. Treasurer's bond; deposit with state secretary; actions thereon
SECTION 4. First deputy treasurer; duties; absence, disability or removal of treasurer
SECTION 5. Deputies and assistants; appointment; bond; duties; compensation; veterans' preference; civil service
SECTION 5A. Annual personnel report
SECTION 5B. Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec. 88
SECTION 5C. Investment division; responsibilities
SECTION 6. Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec. 91
SECTION 7. Receipt of federal funds for soldiers' homes
SECTION 8. Receipt of federal funds for highways
SECTION 8A. Receipt of federal funds for forest fire prevention
SECTION 9. Accounts; overdue bonds, notes and securities; transmission to attorney general and committees on ways and means
SECTION 9A. Debt statements
SECTION 10. Annual report to general court; statement of transactions
SECTION 10A. Preferential deposits of cash reserves to lending and banking institutions that lend to small businesses
SECTION 10B. Submission of official cash flow projections to the committees on ways and means; variance reports; reporting on banking institutions into which cash deposits are made
SECTION 11. Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec. 96
SECTION 12. State treasurer; death; vacancy; care of property and funds
SECTION 13. State treasurer; death; vacancy; inventory of property and funds
SECTION 14. State treasurer; duplicate receipts by new treasurer
SECTION 15. Trust funds; Massachusetts training schools; authority to receive; duties
SECTION 16. Trust funds; receipts from department of education or state library trustees; authority to receive, invest, hold and disburse
SECTION 17. Trust funds; mental health department or developmental services department; authority to receive; duties
SECTION 17A. Trust funds; military forces; authority to receive; duties
SECTION 17B. Trust funds; receipt, disbursement and investment
SECTION 18. State board of retirement; membership, tenure
SECTION 19. State board of retirement; reimbursement of expense or loss
SECTION 20. Clerical and other assistants, appointment
SECTION 21. Commissioners on firemen's relief; membership
SECTION 22. Citation
SECTION 23. State lottery commission; members; appointment; terms; chairman; vacancies; expenses; quarters
SECTION 24. State lottery commission; powers and duties
SECTION 24A. Agreements for creation of multi-jurisdictional lottery game; revenues; notice of odds
SECTION 25. Apportionment of lottery revenues
SECTION 26. Director of the state lottery; appointment; powers and duties
SECTION 26A. Office of performance management and innovation; performance management systems
SECTION 27. Sale of tickets; agents; licensing; restrictions
SECTION 27A. Keno; licenses; growth revenues; distribution
SECTION 28. Assignability of prizes; liability of commissioner and director
SECTION 28A. Past-due child support; disbursement of prizes
SECTION 28B. List of winning lottery ticket holders; transmission to department of transitional assistance, executive office of health and human services and IV–D agency
SECTION 29. Prohibited sales; penalty
SECTION 30. Forgery, alteration, etc. of lottery tickets; penalties
SECTION 30A. Prohibited acts concerning state lottery commission members or employees; penalties
SECTION 30B. Suspension of license to sell lottery tickets due to suspension or revocation of cigar or tobacco license
SECTION 31. Ineligible persons
SECTION 32. Unclaimed prize money
SECTION 33. Deposit, handling and disbursement of funds; deduction of agents' compensation; competitive arrangements; open records
SECTION 34. Minors; payment of prize money
SECTION 35. State lottery and gaming fund; expenditures
SECTION 35A to 35C. Repealed, 1989, 653, Sec. 14
SECTION 35D. Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Fund
SECTION 35E. Organ Transplant Fund
SECTION 35E1/2. Organ and Tissue Donor Registration Fund
SECTION 35F. School Improvement Fund
SECTION 35G. Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 35
SECTION 35H. Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 36
SECTION 35I. Retirement law commission
SECTION 35J. Repealed, 2014, 287, Sec. 4
SECTION 35K. Repealed, 1992, 286, Sec. 51
SECTION 35L. Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 37
SECTION 35M. Board of Registration in Medicine Trust Fund
SECTION 35N. Martin Luther King Commission Trust Fund
SECTION 35O. Massachusetts United States Olympic Fund
SECTION 35P. State House Special Event Fund
SECTION 35Q. Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 38
SECTION 35R. Massachusetts State Public Health HIV and Hepatitis fund
SECTION 35S. Teacher, Principal and Superintendent Quality Endowment Fund
SECTION 35T. Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority State and Local Contribution Fund
SECTION 35U. MBTA Infrastructure Renovation Fund
SECTION 35V. Division of Professional Licensure Trust Fund
SECTION 35W. Repealed, 2008, 223, Sec. 11
SECTION 35W1/2. Repealed, 2008, 223, Sec. 12
SECTION 35X. Quality in Health Professions Trust Fund
SECTION 35Y. [There is no 10:35Y.]
SECTION 35Z. Counsel for Indigent Salary Enhancement Trust Fund
SECTION 35AA. Smart Growth Housing Trust Fund
SECTION 35BB. School Modernization and Reconstruction Trust Fund
SECTION 35CC. Massachusetts Military Family Relief Fund
SECTION 35DD. State Parks Preservation Trust Fund
SECTION 35EE. Repealed, 2015, 46, Sec. 30
SECTION 35FF. Massachusetts Alternative and Clean Energy Investment Trust Fund
SECTION 35GG. Abandoned Vessel Trust Fund
SECTION 35HH. Ocean Resources and Waterways Trust Fund
SECTION 35II. RGGI Auction Trust Fund
SECTION 35JJ. Enhanced 911 Fund
SECTION 35KK. Harbormaster Training Trust Fund
SECTION 35LL. Nantasket Beach Reservation Trust Fund
SECTION 35MM. Repealed, 2009, 32, Sec. 1
SECTION 35NN. Marine Recreational Fisheries Development Fund
SECTION 35OO. Off–Highway Vehicle Program Fund
SECTION 35PP. Salisbury Beach Preservation Trust Fund
SECTION 35QQ. Economic Empowerment Trust Fund
SECTION 35RR. Health Information Technology Trust Fund
SECTION 35SS. Build America Bonds Subsidy Trust Fund
SECTION 35TT. Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration Grant Trust Fund
SECTION 35UU. Repealed, 2018, 154, Sec. 10
SECTION 35VV. Social Innovation Financing Trust Fund
SECTION 35WW. Homeless Animal Prevention and Care Fund
SECTION 35XX. Horseneck Beach Reservation Trust Fund
SECTION 35YY. Dockside Testing Trust Fund
SECTION 35ZZ. Scusset Beach State Reservation Trust Fund
SECTION 35AAA. Community First Trust Fund
SECTION 35BBB. Douglas State Forest Maintenance Trust Fund
SECTION 35CCC. Flood Control Compact Fund
SECTION 35DDD. Public Records Assistance Fund
SECTION 35EEE. Commonwealth Facility Trust for Energy Efficiency
SECTION 35FFF. Nickerson State Park Trust Fund
SECTION 35GGG. Community Behavioral Health Promotion and Prevention Trust Fund
SECTION 35HHH. Transfer of Development Rights Revolving Fund
SECTION 35III. Castle Island and Marine Park Trust Fund
SECTION 35JJJ. Fishing Innovation Fund
SECTION 35KKK. Agricultural Innovation Fund
SECTION 35LLL. Garden of Peace Trust Fund
SECTION 36. Audits
SECTION 37. Sale of lottery tickets in conjunction with game of beano; licensing of certain organizations; restrictions; gross profit minimum; payment of prizes; apportionment of revenue
SECTION 38. Beano; licensing of certain organizations; restrictions; rules and regulations; violations; penalties; receipts and expenditures; records and reports
SECTION 38A. Council on compulsive gambling; posting of notice of availability
SECTION 39. Beano; gross receipt tax; returns; disposition and crediting of receipts
SECTION 39A. Raffles and bazaars; information and reports required; regulations
SECTION 40. Violations of Secs. 38 and 39; submitting false information; penalties
SECTION 41. Repealed, 1973, 1165, Sec. 4
SECTION 42. State Election Campaign Fund
SECTION 42A. Allocation of funds
SECTION 42B. Primary candidate accounts
SECTION 42C. State auditor report
SECTION 43 to 45. Repealed, 1998, 395, Sec. 3
SECTION 46. Anthracite Coal Mining Reclamation Fund
SECTION 47. Repealed, 2003, 46, Sec. 6
SECTION 48. Milk Producers Security Fund
SECTION 49. Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 45
SECTION 50. Children's Trust Fund
SECTION 51. Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 46
SECTION 52. Massachusetts cultural council; creation
SECTION 53. Massachusetts cultural council; powers and duties
SECTION 54. Massachusetts cultural council; hearings; rules and regulations
SECTION 55. Federal funding; plan; administration
SECTION 56. Distribution of arts lottery funds; applications
SECTION 56A. Application of other laws to the council
SECTION 57. State Arts Lottery Fund
SECTION 58. Local and regional cultural councils
SECTION 58A. State-designated cultural districts
SECTION 59. Head Injury Treatment Services Trust Fund
SECTION 59A. Thomas P. Kennedy Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund
SECTION 60. Repealed, 1997, 210, Sec. 1
SECTION 61. Motor Vehicle Inspection Trust Fund
SECTION 62. Repealed, 2002, 184, Sec. 11
SECTION 63. Repealed, 2009, 25, Sec. 14
SECTION 631/2. Central Artery and Statewide Road and Bridge Infrastructure Fund
SECTION 63A. Central Artery/Tunnel Project Repair and Maintenance Trust Fund; credits to fund from judgments and settlement payments; disbursements; reversion of fund balance upon abolishment or alteration of fund or section; unauthorized disbursements; public records
SECTION 64, 65. Repealed, 2011, 194, Sec. 7
SECTION 66. Victims of Drunk Driving Trust Fund
SECTION 66A. Victims of Human Trafficking Trust Fund
SECTION 67. Commonwealth Security Trust Fund
SECTION 68. Worker and Small Investor Protection Fund
SECTION 69. Securities Fraud Prosecution Fund
SECTION 69A. Repealed, 2009, 25, Sec. 17
SECTION 69B. Endowment Incentive Holding Fund
SECTION 70. Alcoholic beverages control commission; members
SECTION 71. Alcoholic beverages control commission; duties
SECTION 72. Alcoholic beverages control commission; appointments
SECTION 72A. Gaming liquor enforcement unit
SECTION 73. Expired, 2004, 149, Sec. 417
SECTION 74. Alcoholic beverage license applicants and licensees; building safety certificate of inspection
SECTION 75. Water Supply Protection Trust; water supply protection program
SECTION 76. Cannabis control commission; members; appointment; terms; removal; quorum; salary; officers; code of ethics; operation as state agency
SECTION 77. Cannabis Advisory Board
SECTION 78. Payment to persons who served in armed forces in active service as part of Operations Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, Noble Eagle, Inherent Resolve or Freedom Sentinel or successor or related operations