SECTION 1. Definitions
SECTION 2. Center for health information and analysis; executive director; term; removal
SECTION 2A. Health information and analysis oversight council; members; meetings; powers and duties
SECTION 3. Agents, officers and employees; appointment; powers and duties
SECTION 4. Salaries; personnel regulations
SECTION 5. Adoption of rules and regulations
SECTION 6. Powers
SECTION 7. Payment by acute hospital, ambulatory surgical center or surcharge payor for estimated expenses of center and other purposes under this chapter
SECTION 8. Reporting requirements for institutional providers and their parent organization and other affiliates
SECTION 9. Reporting requirements for registered provider organizations
SECTION 10. Reporting requirements for private and public health care payers and third-party administrators
SECTION 11. Timely reporting of information required under Secs. 8, 9 and 10
SECTION 12. Collection, storage and maintenance of data collected under Secs. 8, 9 and 10; payer and provider claims database; access to data
SECTION 13. Uniform provider licensure reporting system
SECTION 14. Standard quality measure set
SECTION 15. Betsy Lehman center for patient safety and medical error reduction; board; education and research program
SECTION 16. Annual report based on the information submitted under Secs. 8, 9 and 10; hearing
SECTION 17. Attorney general review and analysis of information submitted under Secs. 8, 9 and 10 and under Sec. 8 of chapter 6D; authority to compel production of documents, answers to interrogatories and testimony
SECTION 18. Analysis of data received under Secs. 6, 9 and 10 to identify excessive increases in health status adjusted total medical expense
SECTION 19. Review and comment upon capital expenditure projects requiring determination of need under Sec. 25C of chapter 111
SECTION 20. Consumer health information website
SECTION 21. Continuing program of investigation and study of the uninsured and underinsured
SECTION 21A. Continuing program of investigation and study of mental health, chronic pain and substance use disorders
SECTION 22. Conditions for reimbursement or payment for treatment of injured workers under chapter 152 or from governmental unit; penalty for noncompliance
SECTION 23. Transfer of funds to Community Hospital Reinvestment Trust Fund