SECTION 17. Minimum percentage of kilowatt-hour sales from clean peak resources

Latest version.
  • [Text of section effective until January 1, 2051. Repealed by 2018, 227, Sec. 14. See 2018, 227, Sec. 25.]

    Section 17. (a) Every retail electric supplier providing service under contracts executed or extended after December 31, 2018, shall provide a minimum percentage of kilowatt-hour sales to end-use customers in the commonwealth from clean peak resources. Not later than December 31, 2018 the department shall determine the current percentage of kilowatt-hours sales to end-use customers in the commonwealth from existing clean peak resources during the seasonal peak load hours to establish a baseline minimum percentage of kilowatt-hours sales to end-use customers that shall be met with clean peak certificates beginning on January 1, 2019. Each year thereafter, every retail electricity supplier in the commonwealth shall provide a minimum percentage of not less than an additional 0.25 per cent of sales by retail electricity suppliers in the commonwealth that shall be met with clean peak certificates, as determined by the department.

    (b) A qualified RPS resource may generate both a clean peak certificate and a renewable energy certificate under section 11F for electricity generated and delivered to the electric grid during a seasonal peak period.

    (c) The department shall promulgate regulations to implement this section, including, but not limited to: (i) the establishment of seasonal peak periods; (ii) the methodology by which clean peak certificate values shall be established, which may include a process by which electric distribution companies competitively procure clean peak certificates from clean peak resources and enter into long-term contracts, subject to the approval of the department of public utilities; (iii) the establishment of a minimum percentage of clean peak certificates that must be derived from demand response resources; (iv) an alternative compliance mechanism for retail electricity suppliers; and (v) the procedures by which each retail electricity supplier shall annually submit for the department's review a filing demonstrating its compliance with the requirements of this section.

    (d) This section shall not apply to municipal lighting plants.