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General Laws of Massachusetts (Last Updated: January 16, 2020) |
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SECTION 1. Salary of governor; housing expenses; other sources of income |
SECTION 2. Salary of lieutenant governor; other sources of income |
SECTION 3. Salary of council members; term limitation |
SECTION 4. Traveling expenses of lieutenant governor and council members; term limits |
SECTION 5. Governor's employees; compensation |
SECTION 6 to 7. Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec. 12 |
SECTION 8. Entertainment of distinguished guests; expenditures |
SECTION 9. Cooperation with federal surveys of waters, etc. |
SECTION 10. Appointment of delegates to represent commonwealth at conventions |
SECTION 11. Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec. 14 |
SECTION 12. Compensation of legal counsel and commissioners |
SECTION 12A. Veterans Day |
SECTION 12B. Anniversary of death of General Pulaski |
SECTION 12C. Bunker Hill battle anniversary |
SECTION 12D. Boston Massacre anniversary |
SECTION 12E. Commodore John Barry Day |
SECTION 12F. New Orleans Day |
SECTION 12G. American Education Week |
SECTION 12H. Anniversary of death of General Lafayette |
SECTION 12I. American Indian Heritage week |
SECTION 12J. Patriots' Day |
SECTION 12K. Evacuation Day |
SECTION 12L. Veteran Firemen's Muster Day |
SECTION 12M. Student Government Day |
SECTION 12N. United Nations Day |
SECTION 12O. Loyalty Day |
SECTION 12P. Civil rights week |
SECTION 12Q. Memorial Day |
SECTION 12R. Polish Constitution Day |
SECTION 12S. Peter Francisco Day |
SECTION 12T. Observance of certain other days |
SECTION 12U. Children's Day |
SECTION 12V. Columbus Day |
SECTION 12W. Sight-saving month |
SECTION 12X. Teachers' Day |
SECTION 12Y. Maritime Day |
SECTION 12Z. Jamaican Independence Day |
SECTION 12AA. Iwo Jima Day |
SECTION 12BB. Tadeusz Kosciuszko Day |
SECTION 12CC. Public Employees Week |
SECTION 12DD. Pearl Harbor Day |
SECTION 12EE. Grandparents' Day |
SECTION 12FF. Anniversary of enlistment of Deborah Samson |
SECTION 12GG. Lithuanian Independence Day |
SECTION 12HH. Statue of Liberty Awareness Day |
SECTION 12II. Slovak Independence Day |
SECTION 12JJ. Visiting Nurse Association Week |
SECTION 12KK. Labor Week |
SECTION 12LL. Social Security Day |
SECTION 12MM. Korean War Veterans Day |
SECTION 12NN. Human Rights Day |
SECTION 12OO. Exercise Tiger Day |
SECTION 12PP. Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day |
SECTION 12QQ. Homeless Unity Day |
SECTION 12RR. USO Appreciation Day |
SECTION 12SS. Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Day |
SECTION 12TT. Destroyer Escort Day |
SECTION 12UU. School Principals' Recognition Day |
SECTION 12VV. Native American Day |
SECTION 12WW. Garden Week |
SECTION 12XX. Candle Safety Day |
SECTION 12YY. International Education Week |
SECTION 12ZZ. Massachusetts Biomedical Research Day |
SECTION 13. Lincoln Day |
SECTION 14. Flag Day |
SECTION 14A. Spanish War Memorial Day and Maine Memorial Day |
SECTION 14B. State Constitution Day |
SECTION 14C. Earth Week |
SECTION 15. Arbor and Bird Day |
SECTION 15A. Constitution Day |
SECTION 15B. Senior Citizens Month |
SECTION 15C. American History Month |
SECTION 15D. Massachusetts Art Week |
SECTION 15E. Susan B. Anthony Day |
SECTION 15F. Employ Handicapped Persons Week |
SECTION 15G. Youth Honor Day |
SECTION 15H. Boy Scout Week |
SECTION 15I. Liberty Tree Day |
SECTION 15J. Italian American War Veterans of the United States, Inc., Day |
SECTION 15K. Cystic Fibrosis Week |
SECTION 15L. John F. Kennedy Day |
SECTION 15M. Battleship Massachusetts Memorial Day |
SECTION 15N. Police Officers' Week |
SECTION 15O. Keep Massachusetts Beautiful Month |
SECTION 15P. Traffic Safety Week |
SECTION 15Q. United States Marine Corps Day |
SECTION 15R. Armistice Day |
SECTION 15S. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day |
SECTION 15T. Kalevala Day |
SECTION 15U. Social Justice for Ireland Day |
SECTION 15V. White Cane Safety Day |
SECTION 15W. National Hunting and Fishing Day |
SECTION 15X. Child Nutrition Week |
SECTION 15Y. Jaycee Week and Day |
SECTION 15Z. Bataan–Corregidor Day |
SECTION 15AA. Secretaries Week |
SECTION 15BB. Massachusetts National Guard Week |
SECTION 15CC. Retired Members of the Armed Forces Day |
SECTION 15DD. Independence Day |
SECTION 15EE. Endangered Species Day |
SECTION 15FF. Pro–Life Month |
SECTION 15GG. Employ the Older Worker Week |
SECTION 15HH. John Carver Day |
SECTION 15II. Armenian Martyrs' Day |
SECTION 15JJ. Fire Fighters Memorial Sunday |
SECTION 15KK. National Family Week |
SECTION 15LL. Licensed Practical Nurse Week |
SECTION 15MM. Vietnam Veterans Day |
SECTION 15NN. State Walking Sunday |
SECTION 15OO. Saint Jean de Baptiste Day |
SECTION 15PP. Town Meeting Day |
SECTION 15QQ. Parliamentary Law Month |
SECTION 15RR. Greek Independence Day |
SECTION 15SS. Massachusetts Hospice Week |
SECTION 15TT. Public Employees Appreciation Day |
SECTION 15UU. Practical Nursing Education Week |
SECTION 15VV. Presidents Day |
SECTION 15WW. Youth in Government Day |
SECTION 15XX. Joshua James Day |
SECTION 15YY. Leif Ericson Day |
SECTION 15ZZ. Massachusetts Whale Awareness Day |
SECTION 15AAA. School Library Media Month |
SECTION 15CCC. Homeless Awareness Week |
SECTION 15DDD. Silver–Haired Legislature Days |
SECTION 15EEE. Rabies Prevention Week |
SECTION 15FFF. Official State Crier and Greeter of the Commonwealth |
SECTION 15GGG. Alzheimer's Awareness Week |
SECTION 15HHH. Employee Involvement and Employee Ownership Week |
SECTION 15III. Independent Living Center Day |
SECTION 15JJJ. Police Memorial Day |
SECTION 15KKK. Workers' Memorial Day |
SECTION 15LLL. Lupus Awareness Month |
SECTION 15MMM. Geographic Education Awareness Week |
SECTION 15NNN. Literacy Awareness Month |
SECTION 15OOO. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Awareness Month |
SECTION 15PPP. Samuel Slater Day |
SECTION 15QQQ. Caribbean Week |
SECTION 15RRR. Emergency Responders Memorial Day |
SECTION 15SSS. Emergency Management Week |
SECTION 15TTT. Law Enforcement Memorial Month |
SECTION 15UUU. Home Composting Recognition Week |
SECTION 15VVV. Head Injury Awareness Month |
SECTION 15WWW. Polish–American Heritage Month |
SECTION 15XXX. Lead Poisoning Prevention Week |
SECTION 15YYY. Clara Barton Week |
SECTION 15ZZZ. Eddie Eagle Gun Safety Week |
SECTION 15AAAA. Robert Goddard Day |
SECTION 15BBBB. Special Needs Awareness Day |
SECTION 15CCCC. Robert Frost Day |
SECTION 15DDDD. Lucy Stone Day |
SECTION 15EEEE. Italian–American Heritage Month |
SECTION 15FFFF. Irish–American Heritage Month |
SECTION 15GGGG. Portuguese–American Heritage Month |
SECTION 15HHHH. Time period for survivors of homicide victims awareness |
SECTION 15IIII. Public Health Month |
SECTION 15JJJJ. Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day |
SECTION 15KKKK. Arthritis Awareness Day |
SECTION 15LLLL. Autistic Awareness Month |
SECTION 15MMMM. Luther Burbank Day |
SECTION 15NNNN. Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Time |
SECTION 15OOOO. Civilian Conservation Corps Day |
SECTION 15PPPP. Thomas Paine Day |
SECTION 15QQQQ. Tartan Day |
SECTION 15RRRR. Missing Children's Day |
SECTION 15SSSS. Unity Day |
SECTION 15TTTT. Myositis Awareness Day |
SECTION 15UUUU. Ninth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry of the Civil War Day |
SECTION 15VVVV. Fifty-fourth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry of the Civil War Day |
SECTION 15WWWW. Armenian–American Heritage Month |
SECTION 15XXXX. Guardians' Day |
SECTION 15YYYY. World War II Commemoration Day |
SECTION 15ZZZZ. Stalking Awareness Month |
SECTION 15AAAAA. Bill of Rights Day |
SECTION 15BBBBB. Juneteenth Independence Day |
SECTION 15CCCCC. Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month |
SECTION 15DDDDD. Leopoldville Disaster Remembrance Day |
SECTION 15EEEEE. Thrombosis Awareness Month |
SECTION 15FFFFF. Phenylketonuria Awareness Day |
SECTION 15GGGGG. Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week |
SECTION 15HHHHH. Philanthropy Day |
SECTION 15IIIII. Jack Kerouac Day |
SECTION 15JJJJJ. Lung Cancer Awareness Month |
SECTION 15KKKKK. Massachusetts Nonprofit Awareness Day |
SECTION 15LLLLL. Disability History Month |
SECTION 15MMMMM. Polish American Congress Day |
SECTION 15NNNNN. No Name Calling Day |
SECTION 15OOOOO. Eunice Kennedy Shriver Day |
SECTION 15PPPPP. World Voice Week |
SECTION 15QQQQQ. Fragile X Awareness Day |
SECTION 15RRRRR. Male Breast Cancer Awareness Week |
SECTION 15SSSSS. Massachusetts Service and Volunteerism Day |
SECTION 15TTTTT. General Sylvanus Thayer Day |
SECTION 15UUUUU. Blue Star Mothers Month |
SECTION 15WWWWW. Ataxia Awareness Day |
SECTION 15XXXXX. Southbridge Lions Club Bow Ties for Esophageal Cancer Awareness Day |
SECTION 15YYYYY. Massachusetts Race Amity Day |
SECTION 15ZZZZZ. First Responder Day |
SECTION 15AAAAAA. Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy Day |
SECTION 15BBBBBB. Farm-to-School Month |
SECTION 15CCCCCC. Ice Bucket Challenge Week |
SECTION 15DDDDDD. Seatbelt Awareness Month |
SECTION 15EEEEEE. Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month |
SECTION 15FFFFFF. Asian American Pacific Islander Month |
SECTION 15GGGGGG. Massachusetts Maple Month |
SECTION 15HHHHHH. Gold Star Wives Day |
SECTION 15IIIIII. Gold Star Mothers and Families Day |
SECTION 16. Military officers serving under governor |
SECTION 17. Commissions and boards serving under governor |
SECTION 17A. Governor's cabinet |
SECTION 18. Armory commission |
SECTION 18A. Repealed, 1996, 151, Sec. 11 |
SECTION 18B. Public education nominating council; membership; duties |
SECTION 19. Repealed, 2013, 38, Sec. 5 |
SECTION 20. Art commission; members; powers and duties |
SECTION 21. Repealed, 1930, 416, Sec. 2 |
SECTION 22 to 25. Repealed, 1993, 110, Sec. 40 |
SECTION 26. Board of commissioners on uniform state laws; appointment; term; organization; removal |
SECTION 27. Board of commissioners on uniform state laws; duties |
SECTION 28. Board of commissioners on uniform state laws; compensation and expenses |
SECTION 28A to 28E. Repealed, 1968, 420, Sec. 2 |
SECTION 29 to 32. Repealed, 1977, 927, Sec. 1 |
SECTION 33. Board of trustees of the state library |
SECTION 34. Powers and duties of trustees of the state library |
SECTION 35. Librarian of the state library; compensation, etc. |
SECTION 36. Expenditures for state library; approval of accounts |
SECTION 37. Trustees of the state library; annual report |
SECTION 37A. Gifts in trust for state library |
SECTION 38. State library; location; persons authorized to use |
SECTION 39. Definitions applicable to Secs. 39 to 39B |
SECTION 39A. Depository library for state publications; collection; system |
SECTION 39B. State library; copies of state agency publications |
SECTION 40. Board of trustees of the Soldiers' Home in Massachusetts; superintendent |
SECTION 41. Board of trustees of the Soldiers' Home in Massachusetts; powers and duties |
SECTION 42. Repealed, 1977, 940, Sec. 1 |
SECTION 43 to 45. Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 5 |
SECTION 46, 47. Repealed, 1966, 444, Sec. 5 |
SECTION 48. Repealed, 2011, 194, Sec. 4 |
SECTION 49 to 52. Repealed, 1953, 409, Sec. 2 |
SECTION 53 to 55. Inoperative as a result of title to the port properties vesting in the Massachusetts Port Authority. See 1956, 465, Sec. 33; 1958, 599, Sec. 4 |
SECTION 56. Massachusetts commission against discrimination; appointment, responsibilities; employees; regional offices; advisory board |
SECTION 57 to 59. Repealed, 2009, 25, Sec. 3 |
SECTION 59A to 59C. Inoperative as a result of title to the airport properties vesting in the Massachusetts Port Authority. See 1956, 465, Sec. 32; 1958, 599, Sec. 12 |
SECTION 60. Repealed, 1955, 584, Sec. 2 |
SECTION 61, 62. Repealed, 1953, 612, Secs. 2, 3 |
SECTION 63. Repealed, 1954, 581, Sec. 2 |
SECTION 64. Repealed, 1964, 636, Sec. 1B |
SECTION 65 to 67. Repealed, 1969, 838, Sec. 2 |
SECTION 68. Repealed, 1952, 605, Sec. 18 |
SECTION 69 to 69B. Repealed, 1969, 838, Sec. 2 |
SECTION 70. Board of trustees of Soldier's Home in Holyoke; members |
SECTION 71. Board of trustees of Soldier's Home in Holyoke; powers and duties |
SECTION 72. Repealed, 1974, 806, Sec. 2 |
SECTION 73. Repealed, 1973, 1168, Sec. 2 |
SECTION 74. Massachusetts rehabilitation commission; establishment; expenditure of funds |
SECTION 75. Massachusetts rehabilitation commission; commissioner; employees; other offices |
SECTION 76. Massachusetts rehabilitation commission; advisory council |
SECTION 77. Massachusetts rehabilitation commission; definitions applicable to Secs. 74 to 84 |
SECTION 78. Massachusetts rehabilitation commission; vocational rehabilitation services; independent living rehabilitation services |
SECTION 78A. Massachusetts rehabilitation commission; extended sheltered employment |
SECTION 79. Massachusetts rehabilitation commission; powers and duties |
SECTION 80. Massachusetts rehabilitation commission; additional powers and duties |
SECTION 81. Massachusetts rehabilitation commission; cooperation with state agencies; agreements |
SECTION 82. Massachusetts rehabilitation commission; federal funds; custodian; expenditure |
SECTION 83. Massachusetts rehabilitation commission; gifts to commission; acceptance; investment |
SECTION 84. Massachusetts rehabilitation commission; information or records confidential |
SECTION 84A to 84I. Repealed, 1985, 716, Sec. 1 |
SECTION 85. Definitions applicable to Secs. 86 to 92 |
SECTION 86, 87. Repealed, 1964, 636, Sec. 2 |
SECTION 88. Atomic energy commission; duties |
SECTION 89, 90. Repealed, 1964, 636, Sec. 2 |
SECTION 91. Nuclear material or facility; changes in laws; certain departments to initiate studies |
SECTION 92. Nuclear material or facility; license or permit |
SECTION 93. Nuclear material or facility; injunction against violations |
SECTION 94 to 96. Repealed, 1959, 418, Sec. 2 |
SECTION 97. State finance and governance board; membership |
SECTION 98. Duties of state finance and governance board |
SECTION 99. Repealed, 2017, 6, Sec. 1 |
SECTION 100. Repealed, 1965, 572, Sec. 1 |
SECTION 101. Obscene literature control commission; members; appointment, compensation, etc. |
SECTION 102 to 104. Repealed, 1987, 697, Sec. 1 |
SECTION 105. Commission on employment of people with disabilities; members; chairperson; appointments |
SECTION 106. Duties of commission |
SECTION 107. Annual reports; compensation of members; executive secretary; gifts and bequests |
SECTION 108. Manufactured homes commission; members; duties; compensation |
SECTION 109 to 114. Repealed, 1970, 849, Sec. 2 |
SECTION 115. Repealed, 1996, 58, Sec. 5 |
SECTION 115A. Unit pricing of packaged commodities; retail sale; regulations; enforcement; penalties; report |
SECTION 116. Municipal police training committee; members; chairperson; executive director |
SECTION 116A. Domestic violence and sexual violence complaints; basic training course; guidelines for law enforcement response |
SECTION 116B. Hate crimes; police instruction |
SECTION 116C. Development and establishment of course on use and application of technology to increase public safety; regional and municipal police training schools |
SECTION 116D. Protection, care and custody of minors upon arrest of parents or guardians; police instruction |
SECTION 116E. Development and establishment of course in bicycle safety enforcement |
SECTION 116F. Harbormaster training council |
SECTION 117. Meetings; compensation of members |
SECTION 118. Municipal police training schools; approval; rules and regulations relative to schools |
SECTION 119. Repealed, 2002, 196, Sec. 11 |
SECTION 120. Repealed, 1973, 1168, Sec. 3 |
SECTION 121. Repealed, 2007, 192, Sec. 1 |
SECTION 122, 123. Repealed, 1973, 1168, Sec. 4 |
SECTION 124. Repealed, 1974, 806, Sec. 3 |
SECTION 124A. World War II, Korean emergency and Vietnam conflict memorial commission; members; compensation; honor rolls |
SECTION 125. Health and welfare commission; establishment |
SECTION 126. Duties of commission |
SECTION 127. Advisory committee; members; meetings |
SECTION 128. Regional offices; service regions; regional advisory committees; annual reports |
SECTION 129. Massachusetts commission for the blind; composition; cooperation with federal agency; commissioner; advisory board |
SECTION 130. Commissioner's duties and powers; supervisors; divisions and directors; assistance to blind persons; funeral expenses |
SECTION 131. Financial assistance program; eligibility, restriction; payment levels |
SECTION 131A. State supplementary payments; annual increases |
SECTION 131B. Federal agreement |
SECTION 131C. Applications; eligibility for assistance |
SECTION 131D. Monthly advancements to H.H.S.; audit |
SECTION 131E. Medical assistance program; eligibility |
SECTION 131F. Fraudulent procuring of payments; penalties |
SECTION 131G. Vouchers submitted by vendors |
SECTION 131H. Violations by vendor; ineligibility period |
SECTION 131I. Return of payments by ineligible recipients or vendors required |
SECTION 131J. Rules and regulations for administration of Secs. 129 to 149 |
SECTION 132. Advances to commissioner |
SECTION 133. Definitions applicable to Secs. 133A to 133F |
SECTION 133A. Duties of officers, boards or authorities in charge of state buildings or property |
SECTION 133B. Powers and duties of commission |
SECTION 133C. New construction, remodeling, etc. of public buildings or properties, vending facilities |
SECTION 133D. Rental or other charge for operation of vending facility |
SECTION 133E. Existing vending facilities; removal or nonrenewal of lease |
SECTION 133F. Repealed, 1983, 636, Sec. 1 |
SECTION 133G. Braille instruction for registrants; assessment |
SECTION 134. Purchase of articles made by blind persons for use in state and other public institutions; release |
SECTION 135. Register of the blind; identification card; acceptance to verify identity; information displayed; fee |
SECTION 136. Reports of medical authorities establishing blindness |
SECTION 137. Applicants for medical assistance who do not qualify for cash assistance under Sec. 131; determination as ''blind'' |
SECTION 138. Solicitations for benefit of blind; license; appeal from refusal to issue |
SECTION 139. Prohibition on solicitation for benefit of blind without a license; statement and display of license |
SECTION 140. Rules and regulations relative to fund raising for blind; provision for penalties |
SECTION 141. Penalty for violation of rules regulating solicitations for blind |
SECTION 142. Exemptions and inapplicability of sections governing solicitation for blind |
SECTION 143. Schools and workshops |
SECTION 144. Support of workmen and pupils at workshops; pupils from other states |
SECTION 145. Study of problems relating to blindness; investigations; contact with physicians and other qualified facilities |
SECTION 146. Commission divisions or bureaus; organizations and functions |
SECTION 147. Cooperation with federal departments; development of state plans |
SECTION 148. Acceptance and use of gifts |
SECTION 149. Records concerning blind persons; custody, use and preservation |
SECTION 150. Repealed, 1973, 1210, Sec. 8 |
SECTION 151 to 153. Repealed, 1996, 58, Sec. 6 |
SECTION 154. Repealed, 1974, 806, Sec. 4 |
SECTION 155. Repealed, 1969, 471, Sec. 2 |
SECTION 156. Committee on criminal justice; membership; meetings; powers and duties |
SECTION 156A. Proposal review board; members; powers, etc. |
SECTION 156B. Executive director; qualifications; duties; staff; compensation |
SECTION 157. American and Canadian French cultural exchange commission |
SECTION 158. Massachusetts educational communications commission |
SECTION 159. Council on juvenile behavior |
SECTION 160. Duties; quarters; clerical assistants |
SECTION 161. Report |
SECTION 162. Advisory board on compensation of officials; establishment; appointment of members; duties; report; compensation and expenses |
SECTION 163. Management engineering task force |
SECTION 164. Massachusetts fire training council |
SECTION 165. Duties |
SECTION 165A. Massachusetts firefighting academy |
SECTION 165B. Massachusetts fire service commission |
SECTION 166. Health facilities appeals board; establishment; function; members; appointment; qualifications; compensation; personnel |
SECTION 166A. Repealed, 1996, 58, Sec. 7 |
SECTION 166B. Advisory committee on chaplains in state institutions; establishment; members; meetings; function |
SECTION 167. Definitions applicable to Secs. 167 and 168 to 178L |
SECTION 167A. Department of criminal justice information services |
SECTION 168. Criminal record review board |
SECTION 168A. Transmission of probation and parole records to the department |
SECTION 168B. Rules and regulations |
SECTION 168C. Post-secondary schools; annual uniform crime reports; campus security policies |
SECTION 169. Repealed, 1979, 702, Sec. 5 |
SECTION 170. Repealed, 1990, 319, Sec. 5 |
SECTION 171. Regulations generally; continuing education program; evaluative information |
SECTION 172A. Fee for request for criminal offender record information or self-audit; permitted uses of revenues received under this section |
SECTION 172B. Children and families department; youth services department; available information |
SECTION 172B1/2. Local fingerprint submission requirement for applicants for licenses in specified occupations |
SECTION 172C. Dissemination of criminal offender record information to agencies employing or referring individuals to provide services to elderly or disabled persons |
SECTION 172D. Availability of information to IV–D agency |
SECTION 172E. Dissemination of criminal offender record information to long term care facilities, assisted living residences and continuing care facilities |
SECTION 172F. Conviction and arrest data available to department of early education and care |
SECTION 172G. Children's camps to obtain criminal and juvenile data; employees and volunteers |
SECTION 172H. Children's programs to obtain criminal and juvenile data |
SECTION 172I. Schools to obtain criminal records of taxicab employees |
SECTION 172J. Commissioner of banks to obtain criminal record information of applicants for licensure pursuant to chapter 255F; restriction on use |
SECTION 172K. Climbing wall or challenge course program employee or volunteer previously subject to record check; simultaneous applications for record check |
SECTION 172N. Requirements for professional licenses; list of specific disqualifying criminal convictions |
SECTION 173. Regulations for program research; monitoring; access restricted |
SECTION 174. Interstate system for exchange of record information; supervision of participation by state and local agencies; access limited; telecommunications access terminals |
SECTION 175. Right of subject to inspect criminal offender record information; correction of inaccurate or incomplete information; procedure; restrict |
SECTION 176. Appeal; de novo hearing; equitable relief |
SECTION 177. Violations; civil liability |
SECTION 1781/2. Use of criminal offender record information to commit crime against or harass subject; penalty |
SECTION 178B. Death of offender; cessation of restrictions |
SECTION 178C. Definitions applicable to Secs. 178C to 178P |
SECTION 178D. Sex offender registry |
SECTION 178E. Transmission of registration data to criminal history systems board, police departments, and FBI |
SECTION 178F. Annual verification of registration data; homeless sex offenders; juveniles; disclosure of information |
SECTION 178F1/2. Registration by personal appearance; level 2 or level 3 sex offenders |
SECTION 178F3/4. Global positioning system device to be worn by homeless sex offender |
SECTION 178G. Termination of obligation to register |
SECTION 178H. Failure to register, verify information or provide notice of change of address; providing false information; penalties |
SECTION 178I. Report identifying sex offender; request for information; confidentiality |
SECTION 178J. Request for sex offender information; notice of penalty for misuse; data required to receive report |
SECTION 178L. Classification of sex offenders by board; hearings; right to counsel; reclassification |
SECTION 178M. Judicial review of final classification |
SECTION 178N. Misuse of information; penalties |
SECTION 178O. Liability of public officials and employees for sex offender registry information |
SECTION 178P. Failure to comply with registration requirements; right to arrest; risk of reoffense information disclosure |
SECTION 178Q. Sex offender registry fee |
SECTION 179. Board of underwater archaeological resources; members; terms; director; staff |
SECTION 180. Powers and duties in preserving underwater archaeological resources; state title; definition |
SECTION 181. Nutrition board; establishment; members; secretary and executive secretary; staff; appointment |
SECTION 182. Advisory function; duties |
SECTION 182A. Schooner Ernestina commission |
SECTION 182B. Powers |
SECTION 182C. Department of environmental management; annual audits; home berth |
SECTION 183. Repealed, 2011, 68, Sec. 6 |
SECTION 183A. Massachusetts cost containment council |
SECTION 184. Medicolegal investigation commission |
SECTION 184A. Forensic sciences oversight board |
SECTION 185. Massachusetts office on disability; director; appointments |
SECTION 186. Application for grants; agreements; standards and procedures |
SECTION 187. Duties and functions |
SECTION 188. Availability of information |
SECTION 189. Advisory council; membership; duties |
SECTION 190. Repealed, 2011, 3, Sec. 10 |
SECTION 191. Commission for the deaf and hard of hearing; definitions applicable to Secs. 191 to 199 |
SECTION 192. Commission for the deaf and hard of hearing; creation; financing; agreements; regulations |
SECTION 193. Commission for the deaf and hard of hearing; commissioner |
SECTION 194. Commission for the deaf and hard of hearing; functions |
SECTION 195. Commission for the deaf and hard of hearing; advisory council |
SECTION 196. Commission for the deaf and hard of hearing; interpreter referral service |
SECTION 197. Commission for the deaf and hard of hearing; telecommunication devices; rental, lease or sale |
SECTION 198. Commission for the deaf and hard of hearing; advice to other agencies; provision of requested resources |
SECTION 199. Commission for the deaf and hard of hearing; records; confidentiality |
SECTION 200. Fire safety commission; membership; quorum; compensation; duties |
SECTION 201. Automatic sprinkler appeals board; procedures |
SECTION 202. Child abuse prevention board; members; term; executive director; removal |
SECTION 203. Meetings; reports; powers and duties |
SECTION 204. Employee involvement and ownership commission; members; term; duties |
SECTION 205. Office for refugees and immigrants |
SECTION 206. State refugee coordinator; duties; salary; hours; appointment of employees |
SECTION 207. Powers of office |
SECTION 208. Governor's advisory council for refugees and immigrants; membership; functions |
SECTION 208A. Office for Refugees and Immigrants Trust Fund |
SECTION 209 to 213. Repealed, 2007, 192, Sec. 2 |
SECTION 214. Madeline Amy Sweeney award for civilian bravery |
SECTION 215. Interagency child welfare task force; membership; goals |
SECTION 216. Military asset and security strategy task force; membership; powers and duties; meetings |
SECTION 217. Commission on autism; membership; powers and duties; annual report |
SECTION 218. Science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM, advisory council; membership; powers and duties; executive committee |
SECTION 219. Commission on community behavioral health promotion and prevention |