SECTION 1. Citation
SECTION 2. Purpose
SECTION 3. Establishment of historic districts; pre-requisites; enlargement or reduction of boundaries; amendment of creating ordinance; filing of maps
SECTION 4. Study committees; commissions; establishment; membership; terms; vacancies; compensation; officers
SECTION 5. Definitions
SECTION 6. Certificates of appropriateness, non-applicability or hardship; necessity; applications and plans, etc.; building and demolition permits restricted
SECTION 7. Factors to be considered by commission
SECTION 8. Review authority of commission over certain categories of buildings, structures or exterior architectural features limited; authorization
SECTION 9. Maintenance, repair or replacement.
SECTION 10. Additional powers, functions and duties of commission
SECTION 11. Approval or disapproval of exterior architectural features by commission; meetings; applications for certificates; public hearings; notices
SECTION 12. Review procedure provided by local ordinance or by-law
SECTION 12A. Appeal to superior court
SECTION 13. Jurisdiction of superior court; penalty
SECTION 14. Powers and duties of commissions established as historical commissions
SECTION 15. Filing of ordinances, maps, reports, etc.
SECTION 16. Special historic districts; acceptance and effect of this chapter
SECTION 17. Severability