SECTION 1. Intent of title
SECTION 1A. Department of elementary and secondary education; commissioner; duties
SECTION 1B. Board of elementary and secondary education; duties
SECTION 1C. Minimum nutritional standards for school food services; regulations; breakfast programs; guidelines for reimbursement of costs; Hepatitis B immunization
SECTION 1D. Statewide educational goals; academic standards; vocational training; grant program
SECTION 1E. Curriculum frameworks
SECTION 1F. Vocational-technical education and school-to-work transition programs; standards; grants
SECTION 1G. Minimum length of school day and school year
SECTION 1H. Adult basic education and literacy services system; grants; objectives
SECTION 1I. Performances of public school districts and individual public schools; evaluation system; assessment instruments; reports
SECTION 1J. Underperforming or chronically underperforming schools; creation and submission of turnaround plan; appointment of receiver; annual review
SECTION 1K. Determination of district's chronic under-performance; designation of receiver; creation of turnaround plan; annual review; failure of municipality to fulfill fiscal responsibilities
SECTION 1L. Comprehensive interdisciplinary health education and human service discretionary grant program; proposals; rejection; funds
SECTION 1M. Discretionary grant program
SECTION 1N. Alternative education grant program
SECTION 1O. Truancy prevention program certification process
SECTION 1P. Safe and supportive schools framework
SECTION 1Q. State seal of biliteracy; award; criteria
SECTION 2. Statement of amounts spent for vocational schools; annual report
SECTION 3. Repealed, 1993, 71, Sec. 30
SECTION 4. Compilation of statistics as to certain institutions
SECTION 5. Repealed, 1969, 254, Sec. 3
SECTION 6. Teachers; applications for positions; qualifications
SECTION 7 to 7H. Repealed, 1990, 150, Sec. 273
SECTION 8. Use of school buildings
SECTION 8A. Medical emergency response plans; model plan
SECTION 9. Classes for illiterates and foreigners
SECTION 9A. Establishment of class
SECTION 10. Reimbursement for expenditures
SECTION 10A. Education for American citizenship; director
SECTION 11. Powers and duties of the division of immigration and Americanization
SECTION 12 to 25E. Repealed, 1966, 535, Sec. 5
SECTION 26. Repealed, 1972, 766, Sec. 8
SECTION 26A. Repealed, 1966, 535, Sec. 5
SECTION 27 to 29E. Repealed, 1972, 766, Sec. 8
SECTION 30. Approval of organization certificate or charter amendments; periodic inspections
SECTION 30A. Standards for educational institutions; establishment; revocation of powers to grant degrees
SECTION 31. Prerequisites to approval of organization certificate or charter amendments
SECTION 31A. Awarding of degrees and courses leading to award of degrees; necessity of authorization
SECTION 31B. Transfer of student records by institutions ceasing to exist
SECTION 31C. Notification of accreditation of institution to applicant for admission upon acceptance required
SECTION 31D. Repealed, 1981, 689, Sec. 2
SECTION 32 to 34. Repealed, 1972, 766, Sec. 8
SECTION 35. Repealed, 1993, 71, Sec. 31
SECTION 36. Use of cultural organizations by schools and community organizations; grants