SECTION 14. Multiple-page advertisements; contents; open-end-credit plan  

Latest version.
  • (a) For the purposes of this chapter, or rules or regulations issued thereunder, a catalog or other multiple-page advertisement shall be considered a single advertisement if it clearly and conspicuously displays a credit terms table on which the information required to be stated under this chapter is clearly set forth.

    (b) No advertisement to aid, promote, or assist directly or indirectly any extension of consumer credit may state:

    (1) That a specific periodic consumer credit amount or installment amount can be arranged, unless the creditor usually and customarily arranges credit payments or installments for that period and in that amount;

    (2) That a specified down payment is required in connection with any extension of consumer credit, unless the creditor usually and customarily arranges down payments in that amount.

    (c) No advertisement to aid, promote, or assist directly or indirectly the extension of consumer credit under an open-end-credit plan may set forth any of the specific terms of that plan unless it also clearly and conspicuously sets forth all of the following items:

    (1) Any minimum or fixed amount which could be imposed.

    (2) In any case in which periodic rates may be used to compute the finance charge, the periodic rates expressed as annual percentage rates.