SECTION 1. Definitions
SECTION 2. License or exemption required; registration with nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry
SECTION 3. Application for license; furnishing of information to nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry; waiver or modification of requirements of chapter
SECTION 4. Issuance of license; maintenance of license by employing entity; return of license upon termination of employment
SECTION 5. Pre-licensing education
SECTION 6. Qualified written examination
SECTION 7. Renewal, expiration and reinstatement of licenses
SECTION 8. Continuing education
SECTION 9. Participation in nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry; establishment of regulations relating to background checks, application and renewal fees, renewal and reporting dates and amendment or surrender of license
SECTION 10. Challenge to information entered into nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry
SECTION 11. Administration and enforcement of chapter
SECTION 12. Surety bonds
SECTION 13. Privacy and confidentiality of information provided to nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry; sharing agreements
SECTION 14. Investigations and examinations
SECTION 15. Prohibited conduct constituting violation of chapter
SECTION 16. Reports of condition
SECTION 17. Report of violations and enforcement actions to nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry
SECTION 18. Unique identifier of any person originating residential mortgage loan to be clearly shown on documents
SECTION 19. Rules and regulations